A review by starryeyedenigma
A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab


I'm already cursing myself that I finished the second book and don't have the final one nearby, so I can start reading it already! Ugh!!!

Because I am so considerate of everyone's time (grin :D), if you don't want to read the rest of my post and my thoughts, well, then, in a short summary, I absolutely loved the second book! As much as I did the first! And I can't wait now, to finish the series. I read in the acknowledgements that it took V.E. Schwab years to write this book, so I felt a little guilty for finishing this so soon. But dear lovely, clever, amazing writer, you write so well, and the story was so gripping, that I just couldn't help myself! :)

******Spoilers ahead!!!!*******

The story picks up from the first one. Actually, the first book doesn't end in a cliffhanger, but well, didn't we all want to know what happens to our favorite heroine Lila (who was actually my hero in the first as well as the second book), Kell and Rhy? I knew I wanted to know, so that's where the second book picks off. In some aspects, its a brand new story in itself, but in many others, its a well conceived continuity of the story and we see Holland return from the grave..

There is this tournament where magicians compete, which was absolutely thrilling to read about, especially all of Lila's fights, since she is the only one who was not a magician before, but is finding out that she has all these secret powers that she can harness! All through the book, we have this question - who are you Lila!? Two new interesting characters were introduced in this book - Alucard Emery and Ojka from white London. We have a new villain now - the fading yet still powerful and hungry King from black London - Osaron. I actually never felt like Holland was the bad guy, even in the first book. He's just the good guy, who had been dealt really bad cards, according to me. I really want a redemption arc for Holland now though.

The settings in the second book with all the arenas, were well written and fast paced. We get to see more of our favorite hero - Lila's mettle. Gosh, I love her and I so wish I could be like her - reckless, mad and utterly awesome. She overshadows everyone in the story, to be honest. In the second book, we don't get to see a lot of Kell though. And more focus is given to Rhy's thoughts and the new character -Alucard Emery. I wasn't sure if I liked Emery or not. It was definitely a surprise to read that scene between him and Prince Rhy though. The chemistry of that scene was palpable. But is he good, or is he bad? I couldn't figure out. But if Lila likes him, maybe he is good?

I was so happy to see Lila and Kell get together, even if for a brief moment, in the second book. Oh, and Lila never ceases to surprise me, in this case, when she decides to dress up to seduce Kell! Lol..attagirl! Calla and Tieran are back as the parental figure characters and I was happy to see them back too.

But darn that cliffhanger!!! Which is why I want to read the finale as soon as possible! Its too bad I'm going out of town for a week and I don't want to read the kindle copy. I want to read the collector's edition itself..lol :D

So tell me, you guys,

Have you read the shades of magic series yet?

If yes, isn't Lila the best?! Also, did you notice in the second book, there is a scene when the author refers to Lila as the 'Wraith' and how she had become Alucard's shadow and would follow him everywhere. Ring any bells? Remember Inej? Another favorite female lead..I wonder if both the authors are friends? hmmm :)