A review by snazel
Transferral by Kate Blair


Works well as an introduction to the idea of retributive justice vs. restorative justice, and the societal impact that both have.

Also has some honestly chilling moments when you see how this society has just not bothered to research treatment for things that just affect criminals. Or even to bother to make the process of transferral non-agonizing. Cause it just affects criminals, right?

People talk about being unable to conceptualize huge numbers and effects, it needs small stories for our brains to latch on to. You remember the story of the single person who went back into the burning building to make IT stop doing backups and get out (and then was trapped with them) in a way that you don't remember numbers of casualties. So I guess I have this book to thank for certain images that haven't left my mind since. None of them are GOOD really, but they're good to remember.