A review by amalia1985
The Book of the Bizarre: Freaky Facts and Strange Stories by Varla Ventura


''Nothing beats a haunted moonlit night on All Hallows'Eve...And on this fatal night, at this witching time, the starless sky laments black and unmoving. The somber hues of an ominous, dark forest are suddenly illuminated under the emerging force of the full moon.''
- Kim Elizabeth

I consider myself a rather sceptic person when it comes to the Paranormal and the Supernatural, but I'm an avid reader of every book that deals with the subject. From time to time, I even watch these funny ''ghost'' shows, if only just to see to what extent the researchers will go either to prove the spirits' existence or to disprove it. In any case, regardless whether you are a believer or not, this is a very entertaining and informative book.

Here, we find some well-known ghost stories (and plenty more obscure ones), references to haunted graveyards and urban legends, but what I enjoyed immensely was the fact that the writer didn't limit herself to the supernatural element. She also included strange -bizarre, indeed- facts of deaths, disasters and other fateful cases that have been recorded as actual events. For instance, the section devoted to starnge -and mostly lethal- coincidences is particularly chilling. It makes you contemplate on that weird and incoherent thing we call ''fate''.

The writing style is relaxed but well-composed, clear and to the point. There are snipets of information, but they are enough to attract the readers' interest and make them search for more references. Like a paranormal treasure hunt, one event leads to another. Dark quotes by well-known historical and intellectual figures are also included, dealing with the human nature.

....Human nature...perhaps, the most bizarre thing of all....