A review by rachel_abby_reads
Cast in Shadow by Michelle Sagara


Sentence fragments. Abundant. Qualifying and redundant. Slightly repetitive. In the same sense that Roseanne Barr was slightly mouthy.

I have read this once before and wasn't enchanted. I reread it because my mother enjoyed it, and I thought I'd give it another chance. Apparently, I'm a glutton for punishment.

There are a few things I can tell you about the main character with total confidence: she is always late, she failed every non-practical class in her education, did well in languages, rarely grooms or cleans her home, and never sleeps enough. I know this because the author told us these things either explicitly or implicitly 5 or 6 times each. This book could have been half as long if Sagara's editor had used his/her red pen more effectively.

I didn't like the main character, I didn't care about her, and that went with her whole stupid world. I found the narrative style repetitive and the sentence fragments irritating. I did ask my mom if she eventually developed a romantic relationship with any of the males apparently available, and she said "Not as of book 5 or 6." Book 5 or 6?!

I think I was so disappointed because I enjoyed Sagara's first Children of the Blood series. On the other hand, it's been years since I last read them. Maybe I should read them again and see if my opinion has changed.