A review by jamsu
Being Me by Lisa Renee Jones


Being Me continues Sara's love story with her artists Chris Merit and finding the trust about what happened to Rebecca. 

Sara wants to trust Chris and it's important to understand him, He's important and their relationship is important to her but he's afraid that she's going to run when she finds out about his demons. Sara has her doubts not only because of his secrets but hers. It doesn't help either that she doesn't feel like she's good enough for him.

Chris is maybe a bit too over protective but I love how he just wants Sara to be safe. There's not only the fear of whoever is after Rebecca's diaries but Mark, Sara's boss. I love how their relationship doesn't stop Sara from being who she is but instead helps her face herself. He makes her face her past and she doesn't need to pretend to be something she isn't.

All in all I really enjoyed Being Me but after what Chris did, even though he had his reasons I wish there were some groveling. Also Sara needs to stop running to the one person Chris hates (the guy who reminds her about Michael) whenever she wants to know something about Chris. She wasn't ready to tell her past until she had to, so I don't get why she got so mad at Chris.