A review by happycrafter207
The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell


As much as I love psychological thrillers, and perhaps I judge them too harshly.

I really enjoyed the first 3/4 of The Family Upstairs. The story was mysterious, it was fast paced, and it was told from three perspectives that were merging... which made it quite interesting. I always wanted more of each point of view, but the author gave information in such small tid-bits that I felt the need to hurry along so I could continue each individual story.

I really wasn't surprised by the ending at all. It was one of several scenarios I had playing in my head for what may happen. For a psychological thriller to be a top ranked book for me, I really want to be wowed and taken aback. I want to be shocked and surprised. While what happened to the children in the house on Cheyne Walk was horrific, I wish more detail had been given about the day to day life. I wish the author had gotten more inside the head of the victims, or even the perpetrators, and not just given a mere mention of what had been happening for the past few months. It really took away the horror of the situation for me. I want enough description and detail to almost be able to feel what they felt for myself. A great psychological thriller puts my mind in their shoes... and this one just didn't.