A review by sofiasshelves
Clash of Fate and Fury by Rachel Menard


i was provided an arc of this book via netgalley in exchange for a honest review. thank you to the publisher, the author and netgalley. all thoughts are my own.

this book is a sequel to game of strength and storm, and considering how much i had loved book one, i jumped at the possibility to keep reading their story. in this, we follow gen (and company) as she has to fulfill two extra tasks for the empresses in order to achieve her father's freedom.

i said it in for the first book, but i truly loved this series so much. my only complain is that at the start the pacing felt a bit too slow until things started moving (maybe at the 40 or 35% mark, i'd say? somewhere around there), but once it got moving, i could not put it down. i did want to clarify that first of all since that was my one complain and i dragged a bit during most of the start, only to read everything else in two days barely putting the book down. it might be a me thing, however.

the plot was very fun once the adventure itself started, and i especially liked the mix with the characters. i like them all as characters. gen is great, obviously, as is pollux, but castor is especially fascinating in how herself and not really a good person she is, and how invested i still am in her, how i root for her all the same. she does have a pretty good character arc in this book as well, so castor is kind of my favorite character of the whole series. the side-characters are also characters i enjoy, so overall, this was a great mixture of plot and character that i enjoyed so much reading about. and the ending? it worked so well for me. the relationships and friendships were so fun to read about.

and i said this for the first review, but i truly adore how menard grabbed greek mythology and shifted it to fit this world. i love how it's fun if you enjoy greek mythology, how you can clearly recognize everything that was used to base the characters or events, but also how different it is to the actual mythology. it feels like something that someone who wasn't very interested in greek myths could read with no problem because of the differences, and how original it is (and so it doesn't really require prior knowledge)

overall, i like this serie a lot. i've enjoyed both books a lot.