A review by arf88
Moby-Dick by Herman Melville


I knew a lot about Moby Dick before having read it or ever watched an adaption just through cultural osmosis, but I honestly had no idea the greatest American novel was so gay. So that was a nice surprise.

This was probably one of the most beautifully written and poetic books I have read in a long, long while. Some passages were absolutely stunning, and I kept finding myself going back to them, time and time again.

But I can see why so many people find this book hard going. The technical aspects of whale hunting were interesting to start, but by the midpoint it was starting to get old, and by the end it was actively frustrating to have such an amazing book interrupted by the anatomy of a whale.

Still, this was a wonderful classic, full of interesting themes and tragically flawed characters, and I'm so glad I took the time to read it.