A review by ambrosia_books
Mona Lisa Darkening by Sunny


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Oh, Mona Lisa. You were the love story of my early twenties. I wanted nothing but to be like you. Men who fought for your honor (sexy men, at that), connection to the moon, sex for power. That was the life...

After years hiatus of continuing this story, I finally picked this up and read it, so full of nostalgia. I was shocked, utterly shocked at what I read. I'm so upset to say this and it truly brings tears to my eyes, but Mona Lisa....

I am so so disappointed in you.

Urg...Mona Lisa was a straight up ho in this book. A low self esteemed ho. I truly don't remember any of that from earlier books, but maybe it was there and I never noticed. It made me so uncomfortable that this woman would call herself not pretty, average, ugly. She is the heroine! Sunny built her to be strong and independent and stubborn. I was shocked by the repetitive nature of the line "I'm not pretty enough". Talk about self esteem issues. Women nowadays are already so self concious, so to sit down and have to read about a woman who is a goddess constantly say that about herself was truly unnerving.

Another thing that urked me was how Mona Lisa's mind and decisions seemed to change when sex or babies became involved. Like when she met the gargoyle. In her narrative in one scene, she was saying over and over about how she didn't want to have sex with him, how she hopes he doesn't rape her, make her do things she doesn't want to do, or murder her. But all he had to say was, "I want children" and her legs spread like peanut butter. So much for "I dont't want to have sex. Please don't make me fight you."

Mona Lisa...I'm so disappointed. Persuaded by the act of sex.

I loved the men who surrounded her. They have always been my favorite parts of the series, and the reason why I pick up the books. Each male had their distinct personality (and sexual style), it makes you drool at the dreaminess they seem to possess. Amber has always been my favorite, a rough warrior lord who knew how to love. Who else doesnt want a man like that. I always picture Amber as a mix between Clay Mathews and Wolverine. Can someone morph these pics together and send it to me? *shivers*

The writing style is also not the best. It pretty low in standards compared to other books I've read. But it didnt stop me from enjoying the story the author Sunny was trying to tell. Is it better than her previous books, Hell Nah! Her first two books were epic. She built a world I had never seen before and would kill to be a part of. But over the course of her series, it began lacking more and more. I'm already so invested in the story, that I can't not finish it. I will someday, but after this one, i'm in no rush to.

I give this book

3 Stars

This is still one of my favorite series of all time. I'm still pretty sad that Sunny isn't writing anymore. I'm waiting for something epic to happen and fell that this series was cut before its prime.