A review by blurrypetals
Geekerella by Ashley Poston


This was just about the same to me as Anna and the French Kiss was, in a way. It obviously had a rather different plot, but for the most part, it made me feel the same way. I was also reminded of Eliza and Her Monsters because of the whole "two geeky teenagers fall in love because they're both fans of a really popular thing but one of them is secretly more involved with the content of the thing they're fans of than the other knows" setup. So, take the feelings from Anna and the French Kiss, add a dash of the plot of Eliza and Her Monsters, and of course base it all around the classic Cinderella fairy tale, and you've got Geekerella.

Even though I've compared this to Eliza and Her Monsters, it carries very little of the same sort of depth I felt for Eliza and Wallace when it comes to Darien and Elle.

This is a really fluffy, really predictable story that was okay enough to fill up an evening and a half at work. It wasn't really special or new to me, but it was cute enough to hold my attention and get me to root for the right people. Other than that, not a whole lot else about this book was too memorable. The writing and themes are all very standard, run of the mill things. One could say it's because it's based on a fairytale written hundreds of years ago, but if you look at the entirety of The Lunar Chronicles, that's a series based solely on the same fairytale as this (as well as many other fairytales) and those books are all some of the most exciting, original pieces of work I've ever read.

It all just depends on how you do it and what you do with it and, in the case of Geekerella, there just wasn't all that much that was done with it.