A review by rynstagram
After by Anna Todd


I'm sure there are many reviews pointing out things that didn't work/were "wrong" in this book, so I'm just gonna say the thing that bothered me the most was that Tessa always described Hardin's lip ring as "cold" and, like, clearly Anna Todd has never interacted with a lip piercing before. My lip ring is only ever cold if I've been outside in the cold and just my face is cold lol. 

For two people who love reading and are supposedly fairly intelligent, they sure do make a lot of stupid decisions and are rarely ever reading. (Plus, Wuthering Heights is Tessa's favorite book... of course.) And Tessa at one point makes a comment about not wanting to be left in her dorm with nothing to do, but, like, isn't she a reader? Doesn't she have books? And who gets paid for a publishing internship? I'll answer that--no one!

I do have to give Anna Todd credit for making me curious enough to look up the synopses of the other books in the series, but that's about it. This was an amusing experience but only because I knew how bad it was going to be as I went into it. (Though, I do feel like advertising it as Harry Styles fanfic is a bit misleading because the only thing Hardin has in common with HS is that he's British and has curly hair. Well, as far as I know, lol.)

And here are some of the more amusing notes I left on the audiobook:
  • 23:08 = "Rude, tattooed brown-haired boy" = my type 
    • Anna Todd loves the word "rude"
  • 51:47 = Jess Mariano did it better
  • 1:31:29 = Yikes, not the slut shaming
  • 2:29:22 = Who actually says "hateful"?
  • 2:32:33 = This is so cringey, oh my god. "Down there" is the least sexy thing ever.
    • Tessa always talks about Hardin's "dirty" words even though he'll just be like "you look sexy" or "nice ass" and it's clear that she doesn't have the vocabulary for sex when she can't say vagina.
  • 3:55:59 = Dude, he's a narcissist not a troubled bad boy.
  • At 4:23:19, I just wrote out the lyrics to "I Want You to Want Me" by Cheap Trick
  • 6:57:35 = His. Lip. Ring. Wouldn't. Be. Cold.
  • 7:53:42 = "Wow it's big." Oh my god, I'm dying. Also, "manhood"?
    • This is the first time Tessa sees a penis and it's kinda funny. 
      • Case in point: 7:54:02 = She just poked his dick that's hilarious.
  • 8:31:59 = I am so tired of the word "somehow."
  • 9:22:02 = Oh BARF
  • 9:29:08 = Edward Cullen 2.0
  • 10:15:47 = Lol Tessa forgot lesbians exist. 
  • An actual good line pops up at 11:18:59 = "He is one giant mood swing."
  • 12:22:20 = "Flesh" is the least sexy word ever.
  • 12:48:07 = Okay, Chandler Bing.
  • 13:25:14 = Haven't you ever seen Clueless?
  • 13:49:07 = "Exquisite" and "clit" in one chapter? Wow, her vocabulary is getting better. 
  • 15:49:10 = "A pop song by a boy band." Real subtle.