A review by sophiadh
Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting by Robert McKee


A dense book full of wisdom. This was the first time I think I’ve ever found myself copying down quotes into my notebook for inspiration. It is not the kind of book that you devour in large chunks. It took me a while to finish. I found the first third to be rather dry, but I think that was because I was trying to read it too quickly. Once I slowed down, reading 10-15 pages at a sitting, I found myself more absorbed. Although McKee talks about how to write a screenplay his advice translates very well to any kind of fiction writing. McKees knowledge of film is extensive. There is a long list of the films he references throughout the book at the back. Although I did not know many of the films, he illustrates each of the story elements he talks about with one or more film examples, making them more concrete. I highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys story telling.