A review by wherethewildreadsare
Into the Wildbarrens by Christian Sterling


This book is the story of a young wizard, Falin, and his quest to get all four gems of Elsana, which is necessary for wizards to come into their full power & protect the people of the Light. And with him are six Champions, all different creatures of Elsana, who are honorably bound to help him on his journey for all of the gems.

There were a few things that kept jumping out at me that made it impossible for me to finish the book. I couldn’t get passed the multiple grammatical errors. I’m hoping it’s because I got an unedited copy & it won’t be found in the released version. I also felt like the characters were sort of blah, I couldn’t connect with them. There were often times where I felt the dialogue was too modern & then other times where it wasn’t. The last thing that didn’t work for me was the consistent time jumping. All of a sudden we were five days into the journey; I couldn’t keep up. Now all this being said, just because I didn’t enjoy the book does NOT mean that the next person won’t! I highly encourage everyone to make the decision for themselves!