A review by wheems01
Spirit and Dust by Rosemary Clement-Moore


Daisy Goodnight uses her ability to speak to the dead to help the FBI solve murder cases. When she is called to Minnesota to help the FBI with a murder and a kidnapping, she finds herself over her head in trouble. When she is kidnapped and manipulated by a mob boss, she will need all her skills to solve the crime before she is the next one dead.

I love Rosemary Clement-Moore's novels. When I read Texas Gothic last year, I loved how Clement-Moore built her story and her unique family of characters. In some ways Texas Gothic reminded me of an episode of Scooby Doo. It contained a great mystery, fun characters, and a lot of sassy humor. I couldn't wait to read her next book, Spirit and Dust because it would feature Daisy, who first made an appearance in Texas Gothic.

I love the Goodnight family, and wish my family was just as quirky and fun. All the Goodnights have "talents" and Daisy's talent is speaking to the dead. Daisy is sassy and smart. I love how determined she is and how incredibly strong.

This mystery wasn't as good for me as Texas Gothic. I did enjoy this book, but it lacked some of the humor of the first. This mystery felt much more dangerous and serious. Daisy was a fun narrator, and I loved her sass, but I missed the other Goodnights.

The mystery was a little like Indiana Jones. There was archeology, history, mysterious cults, action, adventure, and a lot of paranormal power thrown in. Oh, and don't forget the numerous museums.

The pacing of the novel is great. Clement-Moore keeps the story running from one place to another on a fast paced adventures. You never know what is going to happen next, or where Daisy will end up. She keeps you on the edge of your seat wanting to know what will happen next and loathing stepping away from the novel for even a few minutes.

While this book wasn't as fun for me as the first, I still found it highly enjoyable. I hope she plans to write more novels about the Goodnights, because I love this quirky family. This book was a fun read and one that I highly recommend.

Cautions for Sensitive Readers:
Violence: Yep
Language: Mild
Sex: None (some references)
Drugs: None