A review by lisas
So We Can Glow: Stories by Leesa Cross-Smith


Exquisite. Many (most) short story collections are uneven, but with each new gem, I was left thinking, "This. This one is my favorite." Until the next one began. And every now and then, and unexpected gift when Cross-Smith revisits a story from another person, or years later (or earlier), just adding that much more depth and richness to her characters and their lives.

Cross-Smith deftly and unapologetically handles the complexities of being a woman, and left me with such nostalgia for being a woman on the cusp of the rest of my life, splayed out before me in mystery to make my own way.

Oh, and my favorite-favorite? It was the romance blossoming in the produce section. Or maybe it was the woman who stalks the TV biologist. Or was it the exchange of emails between the mother and her well-loved daughter? Yes. That was it.