A review by beckyrendon
The Girl & Her Ren by Pepper Winters


***Edited to tell you that this book is absolutely 10 stars, no fluff***

Pepper Winters lied. There is no choice. There is only acceptance or denial. But there is no choice. Pepper Winters is destroying my day one tear at a time.

I'm not sure I'm going to survive this book but damn it I already know my heart won't let me stop.

I spent the last few hours in utter agony. I was a sobbing mess of aches and horror. My head hurts, my eyes are swollen shut and I’ve been reduced to mouth breathing. My heart aches. My lungs are fighting to capture breathe. My face, tear ducts, and nose hurt from wiping and crying. I am an absolute mess of epic proportions. I am devastated, lost, and so madly in love with their love that I would voluntarily go through the heartache all over again- once I build up the walls that Pepper Winters smashed into dust.

In a twisted example of the destruction of my soul I wanted to walk you through the painful, most intense quotes that are sure to destroy even those that opt against reading this duet. But then I remembered I hate spoilers and that I could not in any conscience jeopardize the intensity of the authors words to make myself feel better. So once you have been demoralized, destroyed, and left in tatters by this book, please PM, message, or email me. I need the release valve of shared agony as much as you will.

You want to know my thoughts. I F@CKING LOVED THIS DUET!!!!!!!!!!! I know most sites won’t let those words be stated as is so I will add ridiculous characters to emphasize their meanings. Pepper Winters has been able to get emotions from me since I read my first of her books. She has never not gotten visceral responses from me. I just never knew that she had this duet in her! There are no real words to describe the kind of story that this unless I use hers:

“It is based on life. A life that everyone must endure.”

You see Della warned as all along. You may not remember or you may have brushed it off as I did. But the truth of the matter is that she warns us that this is no fairytale- or at least not the Disney kind. Its real and raw and so very beyond words. Its heartache, bone deep despair, and love filled with longing only some of us will ever experience. It is soul branding love, spine bowing intensity, and 110% loss. Loss of innocence, love, and spirit. The Girl & Her Ren is loss of hope, light, and sanity. But as you start to think of me as Debbie downer, The Girl & Her Ren is everything. EVERYTHING you could ask for in a life story. Unconditional love to a degree no one has ever put to words. It is hope intensified to epic need. It is simply the best/worst book I have ever read. I have never cried, sobbed, and shut down as hard as I have reading this book. There have been tons before this that made me cry, weep, and mourn but they have all been pushed of the pedestal of pain. The new crowned book: The Girl & Her Ren. I don’t know if Pepper Winters set out to destroy, demolish, and obliterate every known reader in the world but she is off to a fantastic start.

So take it from this reader with the puffy eyes, snot stained tissues, and oppressing headache- you have never read a life story like this one and you will never read another one either!

Once upon a time, there was a boy and a baby…

Reviewed for Sweet Spot Sisterhood