A review by enchantingreads_rosyreviews
The Time It Takes: An Hourglass Novel by Margot Rivers


This is a story about crushing heartbreak, loss/trauma, and difficult decisions that will shatter you. But it's also about putting yourself together and deciding to follow your heart, no matter how hard it is to face your past and your mistakes. Plus, it's got an EPIC love story (like soul-to-soul connection), a fantastic found family in a group of surfer friends, and an interconnected storyline which makes it difficult to put the book down.

There are suicide, drug use/addiction, sexual assault, and death trigger warnings for this book. But PLEASE don't let that deter you. Margot Rivers tackles these tough topics with grace, towing the line between breaking our hearts for the emotions the characters are going through while remaining respectful to any reader who could connect to the material on a personal level. Her writing is PHENOMENAL! There are so many golden nuggets about life and love in this book, you'll want to add them to your daily affirmations or to your mood board. Margot's fluid language and vivid descriptions make it easy to see every scene and feel every emotion. It's an epic and intricate story you just have to read!