A review by midwifereading
The Perfect Storm: A True Story of Men Against the Sea by Sebastian Junger


NOTE: I have not seen the movie, so I had no idea what I was in for. And I am so glad.

This book does not mince words, and expects the reader to understand a lot of sea, fishing, and boat lingo. Though I am not familiar with many of the terms, it didn't impede my ability to comprehend the story pieced together so masterfully by the author.

It's a harrowing, matter-of-fact, true, and vivid telling of what happened over the last few days of October, 1991, just off the east coast.

There is an especially surreal description of what it's like to drown, based on reports of people who have, essentially, drowned and survived.

I was moved, stunned, held captive by the narrative. There is nothing wordy, artsy, or unnecessary in this tale. It is simply the story in the most forthright, brutal terms, so there is no mistaking the unimaginable reality of what happened during that storm.

This book is a gut punch, and absolutely worth it.