A review by aradhnak
The Never Tilting World by Rin Chupeco


OH! I really need to write the review now, this was so intense, and that END!


I enjoyed this book so much! This is actually the first Run Chupeco book I’ve completed - I’ve been listening to The Bone Witch and adoring it, though I think I enjoy seeing the words on the page because there is something about them that draws me in and paints such a vivid picture that I cannot just read one chapter at a time. No, I read 100 pages until my eyes grow heavy.

The only reason it took me a while to finish this is because I paused it when I started writing again.

The four main characters for this story start at such different places from where they end up, and yet as it unfolds, it happens so naturally that when everything clicks, you’re sitting there, staring into space wide-eyed and marvelling at the character development and the arcs that take place. It hit me at one point that I expected things to go so differently when I started the book and was introduced to the characters, but everything that happened felt so deserved and organic!

I am trying my hardest not to spoil things, but these characters? Are my babies and I love them. I love the way they grow, the way they learn, the way they interact with other characters. The world building is fascinating and so intriguing, and the way it affects the characters is so true to form.

And then the end of the book. Oh, wow, that end was so masterfully done, and I cannot wait to see where it goes with the sequel.