A review by elladk
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare


When it comes to the Mortal Instruments, you have two sides; the one that has been obsessed with it since they were twelve and the ones that abhor it. I am, luckily, the former. It will always hold a special place in my cold and black heart. Although, shamefully, I have to admit; I’ve merely read the first two books in the series (I know, how could I). In 2023, however, I finally made it my mission to finish this cherished series. Repeatedly binge-watching the tv-show just wasn’t enough for me anymore…

I think Cassandra Clare’s strong suit is certainly her characters; I can’t name a single character I didn’t like. However, a book can’t just thrive from characters alone; plotwise, I think there is still some room for improvement in her (earlier) work. I’m hoping those problems will be resolved in the other instalments. My main problem with the book is the filler conversations and lack of action in certain parts of the book, but I’m hopeful that will also change in the other books.

I think I can’t write a proper review without reading the sequels, but I’m still adamant about every bookworm having to read at least one shadowhunter book.