A review by crtsjffrsn
An Unusual Courtship by Katherine Marlowe


Percival Valentine enjoys his role in overseeing the provincial town of Linston, but that doesn't mean he doesn't look forward to the promise of something new brought by his new neighbors from London. They are all three rather intriguing, and while Percival makes an attempt at courting the lady of the trio, Miss Bolton, he finds he must come to terms with the distraction that is Mr. Everett. Percival isn't sure he should give in to his feelings--after all, he barely knows Mr. Everett, does he not?--but the mystery that is the man just might prove too alluring. But what is lingering below the surface? And what of the rumors of Mr. Everett's bad behavior before he left London? Percival will certainly find out.

What a fun and lighthearted read! I absolutely loved the style in which this was written. I found myself easily imagining seeing this on the stage, just like one of those familiar British comedies, dare I say something right along the lines of Wilde. The language, the social norms of the time, and the people themselves are so well-rounded and clearly well-researched and constructed, that it's difficult not to get lost in the story right along with them.

One of the things I enjoy about well-written historical m/m stories is that I feel like they present us with a forgotten history. We know that LGBT people existed in history, but their stories were often hidden in the attic and those that were more open weren't recorded (save a few very tragic stories that we are left with). While we won't likely know for certain all of the stories that were lost, we can try to imagine what would have and could have been within the lines of what we do know about the people of the times and how they lived. And I think this is definitely one of those stories...

[Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.]