A review by the_one_and_only_maddie
American Government: Institutions and Policies by John J. DiIulio Jr., James Q. Wilson


It did not need to be this long. It was fine, but like I could have edited it down to 500 pages easily.
The worst part was near the end when it kind of denied climate change just to sell to conservative states. Basically, it called into question the science over global warming, saying we didn't actually know if humans were responsible. COME ONNNNN fuck off.
Most of the book was kind of liberal leaning, or at least set off no alarm bells in my head but compromising the validity of global warming for clicks, views and engagement is unacceptable. As a text book writer, you have a responsibility to be as accurate as possible, and they knowingly put this in there?? What?? Blatent misinformation?
Do better.