A review by jbarr5
Seashell Season by Holly Chamberlin


Seashell Season by Holly Chamberlin
Have enjoyed other books by the author. This one starts out with Verity and she's staying at her friends house while she gets her life back in order after leaving her boyfriend Alan.
Her daughter Gemma is with her and Barbara will babysit while Verity works. One day she gets a call that Gemma is gone, Alan took her.
She gets on with her life after many years go by getting back into her artsy side and actually getting a job at the local college. The call she thought she'd get it's 17 years later and they have her daughter and will board you on a plane from AZ to ME.
She is beside herself as the town has backed her the whole 17 years with support. She has so many unanswered questions about how her daughter was raised. Alan is put in prison and he's lied to Gemma about everything he told her. Her mother is alive and so is her grandmother...
Alternating chapters on how each one is dealing with being reunited. Love the beach and the collecting of the seashells.
At times the book gets boring as it's over 400 pages long. There's a huge story behind the pages though and glad I was able to get through all of it. As it's boring there are also many twists and turns along the way, helping to tell the story of the two females as others come and go into their life's.
Q&A at the end and discussion questions.
I received this book from The Kennsington Books in exchange for my honest review