A review by thegrimhobbyist
Say Cheese and Die! by R.L. Stine


Whew! After the debacle with Monster Blood one and two, I was afraid I wouldn't like any of the other Goosebumps beyond Welcome to Dead House. Thankfully, this one was better. Not as good as Welcome to Dead House, but better than Monster Blood.

I am starting to learn a pattern for these that is making binge reading them difficult, however. It's the same formula, just slap a new paranormal spooky over top of it. At least the last three books. Technically the first one too, suffered from this formula. So, if anyone ever decides to read these like we are, I'd recommend spacing them out so you forget the other story. I think I'd enjoy them better, if I wasn't binge reading them weekly.

Now, all that being said, as I mentioned before I did actually enjoy this one. If I stepped back from the cookie cutter formula of the story, this definitely had some spooky vibes. That's exactly what I'm looking for in Goosebumps books, the spooky vibes. The writing is half of this, as you want to get pulled into the story to feel the creep factor better. I'd say the writing is almost on par with Welcome to Dead House, the descriptions of the scenes and worldbuilding was there enough to draw you in. The characters didn't annoy me (for the most part) either. And, come on, I love the concept of a cursed or evil camera!