A review by beckyrendon
Unshackle by Pam Godwin




1. Release from shackles, chains, or other physical restraints.

"his feet were unshackled"

2. Liberate; set free.

Pam Godwin has a preternatural ability to create the vilest of beings, hone their skills, sacrifice others for their gain, and then find some motherfing way to make you sympathize and fall head over heels in love with them as a person...the bad guy. It should NOT be possible.  And yet...this series is a twisted and seriously dark place I never want to leave.

Unshackle is just the next story in the lives of the Freedom Fighters. Tracking down Tula's sister and saving her- if only it were that easy.

Luke is on a mission and it is another life changing moment for this fighter. His wishes, his life goals, his future depend on the outcome of this mission. One wild and untamed girl is a distraction he cannot risk and yet he cannot avoid. It is a twisted hope in their universe and one I clung to like a spider monkey. All with a smile on my heart and stone cold reserve on my face. (Though now, I'm sporting the doopiest of grins!)

This series is going to be hard to let go of...Good thing we still have more to come.