A review by mommasaystoread
The Forgotten Kingdom by Signe Pike


Okay, so I saw The Lost Queen trilogy being talked about online, and someone said it's like 'Outlander meets Camelot.' I immediately thought nope, don't do it. You've heard such high praise about other books and more often than not, you've come away disappointed. And, I did it anyway. I dove in, and lo and behold, I was not at all disappointed. Signe Pike writes beautifully, and these characters get to you in the best possible ways. They also get to you in the worst possible ways because I can pretty much guarantee that things are going to happen that you aren't going to like, and it's going to make you mad. Maybe that's just me? It's entirely possible, but all I know is these characters sucked me right in and held on tight. This author is definitely a master of her craft because it's been awhile since I read a book set this far back and felt like I was there, witnessing everything. I'm not going to give anything away, so I'll just say this is a must read story. If you enjoy historical fiction or fantasy, you don't want to miss this one.