A review by caseroo7
Beautiful Mistake by Vi Keeland


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I couldn't wait to read Beautiful Mistake by Vi Keeland! I absolutely love her books and this one sounded so good. Worth the Fight has always been my favorite of her solo novels, but I have to say that Beautiful Mistake just might have topped it! This was not only my favorite from Vi Keeland in a long time, but is definitely one of my favorites this year!

The first time Rachel and Caine met, she told him off for taking her best friend out while he was a married man with a family at home. But she quickly discovered that he wasn't the man she thought he was, and ashamed of her mistake she left hoping to never see him again. But when she walked into class the next morning to start her position as TA for the hard ass Professor West, she came face to face with the gorgeous mistake she had made the night before. Though they got off to a rough start, both Rachel and Caine know they need to make the best of the situation but the attraction between them becomes more than they can fight.

I loved Rachel and Caine! They were sexy together and had a connection right from the start. I loved the way they met and the fact that even then the attraction between them was explosive! The heat between these two was off the charts and I just couldn't get enough of how hot they were together. I really enjoyed seeing them get to know one another though and the bond between them was one that was rare and special. These two had both had things to overcome in their lives, and seeing them find someone to share their lives with had me captivated from the start.

Overall, this book was sexy and sweet and everything I was looking for and more. Vi Keeland knows how to write unique characters and stories that deliver on every level. While her books always have heat and chemistry, she knows how to bring the emotional side as well leaving the reader with all the feels. Beautiful Mistake was such a fantastic book, and I read it in one sitting, unable to put it down. While I recommend anything by Vi Keeland to romance readers, Beautiful Mistake is a must read and I think that readers are going to love this one just as much as I did!

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**