A review by aria_tsv
Catharine by Jane Austen


I love all Jane Austen novels and of course I like this one, too. I think it was written between 1787 and 1793. It`s about this orphaned girl, Catharine, who lives with her aunt. She is all alone after her two best friend leave her. Then one day the Stanley`s come to visit. Their daughter, Camile, is really boring and only cares about fashion and music. She doesn`t read the same books Catharine reads.So they don`t have anything to talk about.(It`s mostly Camile talking about her new hat. And that reminded me of the letters Jane Austen wrote to Cassandra about decorating her hat.)
Then Camile`s brother, Edward, shows up. He seems very fond of Catharine and they go to a ball together and so on. And then he leaves. But before that he asks his siter to tell Catharine that he loves her and that she shouldn`t marry before he returns.
And then.......The novel ends!(I just now saw in that description that it is unfinished.)
Just like that. Don`t get me wrong the writing style was great and the characters were, too. But nothing happens. Did Edward marry Catharine? Or was her aunt outraged and didn`t let them? So did they ran away? Or maybe Edward`s parents forbid him to marry her! So he married another girl, but he was still in love with Catharine and they had an affair, but Edward`s new wife found out and tried to ruin Catharine`s life. And maybe then they had to run to India and go to Catharine`s friend. And......and that`s my imagination running wild. I should write a sequel, because I seem to have so many ideas.
The most irritating character was Camile. She reminded me of a friend of mine. At first she hated the Dudley`s and then they decide to have a ball and she loves them and can`t stop talking about what noble, good, kind and generouse people they are. And then that hat from London. I don`t know why it irritated me so much. It`s just....All the girls are gonna love my hat and they will be jealouse and they will want the same. And it will arrive just in time for the ball. The hat. The hat. The hat. If I was in Catharine`s place I would have slapped Camile, the very least. But Catharine and I, we are not alike. She is so quiet and obidient and I`m well me.
Now about Edward. I know Austen writes about true love, but I don`t think Edward is truly in love with Catharine. I mean, he just met her. He might be attracted by her beauty, but in love- no. And maybe if the novel was finished there would have been another character, a family friend or someone else Catharine knew and she would have fallen in love with him. Just I don`t think true love is something happening that fast. Look at Eizabeth and Darcy. They hated each other or they didn`t like each other the very least. And Emma and Mr. Knightly, well they didn`t hate each other, but there wasn`t any "Don`t marry untill I come back!!" stuff.

I`m currently reading Sense and sensibility. And I`m going to star Love and friendship soon.(or imidiatly)