A review by pyrrhicspondee
3 Sections by Vijay Seshadri


This was a wonderful, remarkable book of poetry. The first poem includes the word "soul" and I STILL FUCKING LOVED IT. This is unprecedented, as nothing kills a poem faster for me than "soul"--or "upon." These poems are effortless in the way that I know took one million drafts, and the ideas all slide into place despite being all over the place. I have daydreams of making students read the essay about salmon fishers and having them illustrate it. The final long poem (not including the somewhat dumb actual final poem), "Personal Essay" is breathtaking and I must read it another eight times. I am somewhat biased here, as I had Vijay for a professor in grad school and think he is just one of the loveliest and kindest people in the world. I have many fond memories of awkward conversations with him. But really really really, this is fully worthy of all the praise and that Pulitzer.