A review by books_nooks_spooks
Maeve Fly by C.J. Leede


I love books that explore the darker side of humanity and OH BOY this one does exactly that. And I’m all about books with feminine rage so this one really was hitting all the spots! As one of my most anticipated books of the year I had such high hopes and this book met every one of them and even surpassed a few. Although there’s a lot of tongue in cheek moments, It’s an unsettling read in the best of ways that left me feeling both grimy and heartbroken as I lived through the cataclysmic moments in Maeve’s tragic world. Whilst almost everyone in this book is despicable, I somehow felt quite attached, especially to Maeve as she grapples with and indulges her inner turmoils.

The longer this book sits with me and I am left to marinate in Maeves cellar, the more I appreciate it. Yes, there’s a lot of physical horror but at its core I’d say this is really a psychological horror story.