A review by magicalbookworm
Beyond the Empire by K.B. Wagers


I really liked this series! Each book is so fast-paced and action-packed. This trilogy was a hugely pleasant surprise.

What I Liked:
Each book matched the same energy that drew me into the original book ([b:Behind the Throne|37561674|Behind the Throne (The Indranan War #1)|K.B. Wagers|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1513611304l/37561674._SY75_.jpg|48129333]). I've mentioned the pacing and the action in the review of each book of this series. It's probably one of the best things about these books for me. Each continuing story in the trilogy flew by and complemented the intenseness of the overarching plot perfectly.

I have come to really like some of these characters. Hail, Emmory, and Zin are THE main squad and I have love this story even more because of them. It seems like our MC and besties did a lot of their character growth in last book because not a ton of focus was on that this round, but I was fine with that because it cleared the way to focus a little more on some more of the side characters as the plot started to wrap up. There are a LOT of names thrown at you in this series and it can be difficult to track. Personally, I liked it and it just made sense to me in the scale of the story. You need lots of people to run a government and fight a war.

I will say that I did like both of the first two books in the series a little more. Beyond the Empire was still a really great ending and I really enjoyed it, but things just started to feel a little repetitive towards the end of the book. There was also a moment toward the end of this book, I was not very happy with. One very specific plot decision felt like an attempt at shock value that didn't hit the mark for me. It was unnecessary in my opinion, but to each their own. It didn't destroy my love of the series or anything dramatic, but it did disappoint me a little bit.

Wrap Up:
I already have the next series bought, so I am geared up to start that sometime soon. I really enjoyed this series, so I'm hoping the next books are also awesome!