A review by stephxsu
Cycler by Lauren McLaughlin


CYCLER is without doubt one of the most unique, thought-provoking, hilarious, and crazy stories that I have read so far this year. It’s an unforgettable mishmash of awkward teen love combined with the deeper implications of gender politics and identity.

A quirky story like CYCLER wouldn’t be successful if it weren’t for the incredibly real characters. Jill, Jack, and Ramie are delightfully well developed and memorable; their conversations crack me up, while some of their actions make me cringe with all-too-familiar empathy. With the sure-mouthed, quick-paced, and acidic wit preferred by authors such as Laura Ruby and Robin Benway, CYCLER’s characters will also stick with you for a long time.

The plot is a little shaky at some points, particularly when important romantic connections occur. In fact, a lot of reality must be suspended to appreciate this character-driven story. Jack and Ramie’s relationship developed too quickly, while Jill and Tommy’s also had a note of incredulity to it. All that is forgivable, however, in light of the characters.

If you’re looking for a smart and odd read that’s worth the reread, pick CYCLER up. Mature teens and open-minded adults will fall in love with this quirky “love triangle”/identity crisis story.