A review by jenne
Fashion is Spinach by Elizabeth Hawes


So enjoyable! I loved her breezy writing style and the glimpse into the fashion business of the 20s and 30s. If you want to basically die of envy, please immediately google image search ELIZABETH HAWES DESIGNER, oh my god those dresses were amazing and would be completely in style today.

Here's a taste of how this book is so charming:

"I got Miss Dodge, my old classmate and the warden of Vassar, to collect a group of what she considered the best sweater girls on the campus to consider the matter of something new in sweaters with me. I traveled to Poughkeepsie to consult with them. They were a very attractive set of girls. As I looked them over, I perceived that they had all gotten themselves up in honor of the occasion.

One had on a white turtle-necked sweater. Another wore a red sweater with a small round neck. A third had on a crew-necked Brooks model. And the fourth and the fifth and the sixth had on different colors of the same models.
How do you like your sweaters?" I asked.

"We love them," they responded all at once.

"Can you think of any improvements that could be made?" I inquired.

'No" they asserted firmly.

I tried for an hour and a half to make them tell me something they would like to have in the way of a sweater, something new, something different. There wasn't a thing they wanted. They wore sweaters nine-tenths of the time and they were perfectly satisfied.

They would only concede that possibly there might be other and more exciting colors from time to time. I left them. I had discovered exactly what I feared. Sweaters were quite satisfactory."

PS you can download this as a free ebook! http://archive.org/details/fashionisspinach00hawerich