A review by zayah_wrights
Sabbatical by Katrina Jackson


Book 2 of the Curriculum Viate series follows the life of Dr. Antonia Wade (one Deja's best friends in book 1).

Toni has received her tenure and has worked to her very bones to care for all students as well as her colleagues of colour on campus. she's basically the mom friend/lecturer whom everyone goes to for help with absolutely anything and they're guaranteed to get the assistance they ask of her.

The book starts when she's making preparations following the approval of her sabbatical application (about a year off campus and away from her usual responsibilities) and though it should be an exciting time ahead, she's lowkey dreading it because she has a lot of work she's been putting off at home.

Que, Michael Hernandez (Alejandro's best friend in book 1) who volunteers his services in helping her with her renovations. Mike has also had a crush on Toni since the very first time he saw her has been patiently waiting for her to catch on. She never does, even though everyone on campus knows about it.

They do end up together at the end but it's after great lengths that Mike goes to so he could show Toni she can put down the caretaker hat and let someone else do for her what she's so used to doing for others.