A review by catnapsnbooks
Inside The Maelstrom: Part Two by Grace McGinty


Inside The Maelstrom : Part Two is the conclusion this series deserved. Grace McGinty is a genius as she has taken these diverse characters, a beautifully unique plot and lots of angst and feelings and created a masterpiece. Thank you so much Grace for showcasing mental health through a realistic and positive lense.

From the start Inside the Maelstrom: Parts One & Two appear to be the story of Aviva searching for Nemo with the help of Drix, Otto and Sampson and then later Evan. Aviva is determined to follow the breadcrumb trail of clues left by him in the works of Jules Verne and crosses the globe to do so. Instead, this book is one of self-discovery of the characters as they face and battle their personal demons and grow both as individuals and a group. Inside the Maelstrom is the ultimate example of ‘it is not the destination it is the journey’ as without the experiences that the characters were exposed to in their search for Nemo they would not have grown and developed the relationship they had by the end.

Grace McGinty has produced sweet magic on a page with the Inside the Maelstrom Duet finding the perfect balance between strength and vulnerability in her characters as they search for happiness and peace. This book is definitely in my top 5 reads of 2022.