A review by prettypieceoffiction
Population by Elizabeth Stephens


I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

I have to start off by saying that I NEED MORE!!

Population takes place in a post apocalyptic world and follows Abel, a strong willed woman trying to survive in a very different world than the world we know. Through tragic circumstances she meets Kane, who is one of the Others, and embarks on a journey to find one of the last people that she has left.

This was an awesome read and I was hooked from the very beginning. Abel is so kickass and I love that she doesn't take shit from anyone. She was easy to relate to and you could really feel all of the things that she had been through in her life.

Without spoiling anything I will say that I cannot wait to see where this story leads. There is so much I want to know about the Other's society as well as seeing the interactions between characters in the next book. Is it May yet?