A review by book_hoarding_dragon
Iron Kin by M.J. Scott


Last book, Blood Kin, was good, but I wasn't as impressed with it or liked it as much as the first book Shadow Kin. Not to mention that I had a hard time getting into Blood Kin. However, I didn't have the same problem for Iron Kin. I'm not sure if it was cause of Saskia or Fen (hmmm, Fen. For some reason I kept picturing him with an earring in one ear like some dastardly pirate). Last book, Holly was meh and Guy was all right. I loved Saskia's spunkiness in this book. Plus, a chick who can fashion a dagger out of a candlestick? Awesome.

Another thing that I adored about this book was all the twisty turns in it.


Seriously, I did not expect to see them coming.

The pacing and the events that occur in the book really grip you. I have a bunch of times when it was past midnight and feeling a bit hallucinogenic. But I kept reading on because BAM! Scott hit me with a scene that made me go "WHAT?! I must know what happens next!!!!"

I must also say that I was pleasantly surprised that the resigning of the Treaty occurred within this book. Since sometimes authors will drag something like that out through lots and lots of books (like Kresley Cole... in her Immortals After Dark series, she talks and talks about how the characters are gearing up for The Accession, but it never happens. I grew so fed up with this, I gave up after book 8.).

I am so stoked for Fire Kin! Can't wait, can't wait.