A review by annashiv
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown


So, I'm a little late to the trend.... but I've not had any spoils or anything, so I gave it a try.

The ending made me like it better and tempted me to give it four stars, but ultimately, I was too bothered by a couple things. First, I hated the cliff hangers. I'm not opposed to them in general, but he leaned so heavily on them to keep people reading, it became overindulgent. It just annoyed me in this one. Also, some of the puzzles were too easy, but I understand it's a difficult balance. Not everyone would get them so early, but for me. I solved one too early and was annoyed it took them so long to get to the answer because it seemed so obvious. In general, it just seemed to take a long time to get anywhere.

I'm also not sure how accurate everything is. I'm inclined to disbelieve most of it, but I think Brown did a pretty good job making it seem believable if you don't know too much about the things he touches on.

I also watched the movie, and I have to say the book is much better. It only makes sense because of all the explaining, which was actually my favorite part of it all.