A review by rainbowbookworm
The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty


I bought this book expecting chick-lit, what I got was one woman's saga. First off, nothing is known of Louise Brook's real chaperone in New York. Moriarty made up the character of Cora. More than that, she made up an entire life for her.

As I mentioned while I was reading this book, I don't like Cora. Her high moral standards in the beginning of the book -SPOILERS- change suddenly and dramatically after her love affair with Joseph and this doesn't make her more likeable. The book should have ended after she found her birthmother or when Louise left New York, but no, it goes on to the 1970s, with a 90-something-year-old Cora happy about the first gay pride parades.

I didn't enjoy this book, Cora grated my nerves and bratty Louise even more so. In fact, most of the characters are not likable. I only finished the book because it was an audiobook and I listened to it during traffic.