A review by theeclecticreview
Hidden Waters by Catherine Cowles


I'm a huge fan of Catherine Cowles and book 3 in the Tattered & Torn series continues the family saga of the Eastons. Specifically, Dr. Beckett Easton who is back home to atone for leaving his family so many years ago, and Adaline "Addie" Kemper who is learning to live on her own away from her abusive father. 

Addie is haunted by her past trying to be free from a world of abuse and control. She does not want to be a charity case and be taken care of for the rest of her life, so she gets a job, gets a driver's license, and becomes roommates with the kindest and most considerate man she's ever met. A man who gets her. Who listens and understands. But she can't count on him to stay. Everyone who has been in her corner has left.

Beckett's guilt has brought him back home to the family he abandoned when they needed him most. While atoning for his absence, he meets a beautiful and strong woman who makes him feel at peace for the first time in his life. He wants to protect her, but her fierce independence gives him pause to let her be free for the first time in her life as he guides her along on her path while falling head over heels in love. However, his nightmares and past mistakes may drive her away.

Addie and Beckett are two of the most broken and loving people I've read about. It is so heartwrenching and hopeful as they learn to trust each other and spill all of their worries and doubts. Addie has come a long way from a quiet, scared girl to a driven woman with hopes and dreams to find her mother who abandoned her, and find her freedom from a life of confinement and heartache. However, her nasty father threatens her every chance he gets as she tries to live a better life. Beckett is a true match for Addie with his kindness and acceptance. His hatred of Addie's abusive father is understandable and he does everything in his power to make sure she is safe. He has some demons to fight as well with a horrible incident in his past as well as his guilt over leaving his family. However, these two lovely people learn to open up to each other and safeguard each other becoming stronger together.

Of course, in Catherine Cowles' style, there is suspense thrown in as well as the love of the fabulous Easton family. Supporting characters are many which add to the wonderful essence of this story.

I highly recommend you read this romantic suspense filled with well-developed characters and intense situations. In fact, read the series. You will fall in love with the Easton family as I did and want to come back for more.

Thank you to Ms. Cowles for giving me the opportunity to read this book with no expectation of a positive review.