A review by rinasreadsnz
Sweet Like Poison by Julia Wolf


Ahhhhh! Julia made me love the Ice Queen. I honestly didn't think it was possible.

I remember saying earlier on in this series that I absolutely despised Elena and it would take a miracle for me to love her. Well, that miracle has occurred and I stand corrected.

Maybe, it was seeing her slowly change over the last few books that helped thaw my heart towards the Ice Queen—perhaps it was seeing behind her perfectly manicured facade that helped—whatever it was, it worked. I am a convert.

It certainly didn't hurt that she had a super nice guy like Lock in her corner or the fact that she was a total badass.

This book was packed with steam, wicked banter, so much tension and grief—and so absolutely riveting—that I did not even register that my partner was talking to me. I legit could not hear him over the awesomeness that was this book.