A review by mamabookwyrm
Tell Me a Story: Episode #1 by Tamara Lush


The blurb is what drew me in to Tell Me a Story. I love reading books about authors or bookstore owners, I think it’s just because I love the book world so much. So I was super excited when this hit my eReader. And I did like it. I adored Caleb. I love it when there’s an older man in the book, especially one with silver in his hair. I love this look. I keep trying to get my husband to cut his hair shorter so I can see his grays. He just laughs at me. I thought he was sexy and couldn’t get enough of him. I wish we had had his point of view.

Emma is where this story fell a little flat for me. I just couldn’t connect with her. I felt like she was in her head too much. She didn’t seem like a thirty-four year old business owner to me. It made the story seem stilted and awkward at times. I do like the juxtaposition of her rockabilly style with his businessman look, it’s not a typical pairing.

Overall it’s a decent book, it’s well written and the plot is well thought out. There were just a few things that didn’t work for me. I’ll still be reading the next episode, I want more Caleb.

ARC received in exchange for an honest review.
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