A review by bigbookslilreads
The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution by Richard Dawkins


I have noticed Dawkins' books fail to reach me, somewhat. I believe it to be mostly because of his writing style, and the at times more sardonic tone he employs (namely towards creationists and/or religion) that I don't think aids him in his objective of enlightening his target audience. Related, I don't think I am his target audience. I am already quite convinced by evolution, but I decided to pick this up as I would like a more current view on the matter. As such, I found this book to be quite informative, providing plenty of proof and arguments for evolution, but at the same time a bit basic in its depiction of the subject. This is clearly intentional, to make the book more accessible to a lay audience. Most of his books are like this, which unfortunately, I tend not to jive with. And as I said, his tone doesn't really help the matter.
I would also not recommend this as an audiobook. That's how I tend to explore my non-fiction TBR list, but since this book is apparently filled with figures supporting his points, I lost some of the charm just by listening.
Nonetheless, I would recommend this book to anyone seeking a more foundational read on evolution. It's informative and accessible, and albeit suffering (in my opinion) from some cheesy or sardonic remarks by Dawkins, it definitely is not too cluttered with theoretical and scholarly terms that would be too difficult to follow.