A review by maccymacd
Hasty for the Dark: Selected Horrors by Adam L.G. Nevill


Adam Nevill does horror really well. What I find so scary about really good horror, is how an author can find terror in everyday things, places and people. Sometimes, a really scary horror can creep me out more if it's set in the heat of Summer during the daytime than in a graveyard at night-time. Adam is a bit of a master at this.
The first story in the series (and my favourite) is set on the underground, and is one of the most chilling short stories I have ever read. It conjures up so many terrifying images to me, and I haven't stopped thinking about it yet. My other favourite is a story about consequences, and it centres on a taxi driver who tragically knocks a teenager off his bike, but what are the repercussions?
The other stories are pretty good too, but these 2 have really stuck in my mind. I will need to search out Nevill's other short story collection now I think...