A review by scvallese1
Easy Charm by Kristen Proby


Kristen Proby is one of my favorite authors. She is a go-to if there's nothing out in the Kindle world that is grabbing my attention. It is safe to say that not only have I read every one of her books, but have certainly read each of them multiple times (some are probably reaching double digits!). Easy Charm will most definitely be in the double digits one day!!

I fell in love with the Boudreaux family in Easy Love (I love the setting- right in the heart of New Orleans!!!) and couldn't wait to read Gabby's, the youngest member of the family and owner of a bed and breakfast, and Rhys' story! I loved watching the evolution of their relationship, and the bond formed between Rhys and Gabby's son, Sam.

The characters are well-developed and well-written, and I loved the glimpse we got of the other side characters, too. Although I fell in love with the family in the first book in the series, I felt that a lot of time was spent in that book getting to know ALL the family members. Because we had already gotten to know them a bit before, there was more concentration given to the romance between our main characters.

This was certainly a book I will reread many times over. I can't wait for more from the Boudreaux family (and Ms. Proby)!!!

**Update** I have also listened to the audio of Easy Charm. I absolutely loved Sebastian York and Rachel Fulginiti!