A review by lilsoliver
Daddy-Long-Legs by Jean Webster


Daddy-Long-Legs follows a young orphan named Judy, who has been given the scholarship to attend college by a mysterious benefactor. The only catch is she must write him letters informing the benefactor of her progress in school. This is partly an epistolary novel and is made up of Judy's letters to her benefactor, who she calls Daddy Long Legs.

This novel was definitely a two reads kind of book. I felt very weird about the love story between this adult man and the girl he is sending to college the first time around. It felt very creepy and manipulative. The second time around, I focused more on Judy's character and saw that she is, in fact, a very independent and strong female character.

Overall, I really enjoyed this read. Though, in some ways, the romance does seem really creepy and weird. Judy's character development is the best part of the story and makes the read worthwhile.