A review by sisteray
The Man from the Diogenes Club by Kim Newman


Oh Kim Newman, by all rights you should be too clever for your own good. He's fully embraced camp and genre tropes. He loves meta references. And for the most part he's just so over the top that everything should garner eye-rolling. But he's a damn good writer, clever and witty, and creates characters and scenarios that are just downright engaging.

I heart the Diogenes Club stuff. I really just want more and more. I want to know all the weird supporting characters and I care about their history. Everyone of them could have a lead role in their own novel and I'd be happy. In this book we get to see mostly the 70s era with some glimpses of the past and the present. This book is crammed with fun, big ideas and a good dose of action to go with it. This is a must read for any fan of genre fiction.