A review by matt_and_cheez
The Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins


Richard Dawkins presents yet again a nearly flawless argument in favor of the theory of evolution. He argues against the belief that life is so complex (like a watch) it must have an intelligent "watchmaker." Natural selection, according to Dawkins, may act as the watchmaker, but one that has no purpose in mind, and is thus "blind." He uses biological and mathematical (though easy enough for a layperson to understand) reasoning to show how Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection is simply the only explanation for the complexity of life. Dawkins uses the last chapter of the book to destroy the so-called "alternative theories to evolution" such as the unfortunately popular creationism. Dawkins gives the science world a sense of hope against the ignorant masses that continue to argue in the name of instantaneous genesis and other out-dated, untrue speculations. While some biological knowledge helps in connecting with the material, The Blind Watchmaker is written for the general audience, although it may be over many creationists' heads.