A review by mlboyd20
Qeya by Jennifer Silverwood


First I wish to thank the author, Jennifer Silverwood, for providing me a copy to read and review. This genre is one of my favorites too.

This novella, is centered around Qeya. She's the upcoming healer in her royal family. Travelling through the stars, hoping to return one day to the only home they knew, their craft is attacked and she, along with several others, escape to the alien planet below. Unfortunately only a handful survive and they are determined to find the group of their kind who had gone down to the planet earlier to survey. What follows is heartache, hope, loss, love, and more.

I found myself quickly attached to the story. I didn't want to put the book down at all, I carried it everywhere with me. The beginning had a few distractions though. The wording was a bit rough in spots and the imagery wasn't as clear as could be. There were times when I just couldn't picture what the characters were seeing or describing. I would have liked a bit more time on the craft before it's destruction, investing myself a bit more into the culture these beings had been transferred into.

Once on the alien planet, a new friendship is forged with a fellow being whose social stature had been considered much below them. You get the feel of racial prejudice being more than just earth bound. The author gives you just enough to understand the social chain, but doesn't drag it on, thankfully.

I found myself enjoying a YA scifi that is a bit different than what is out there right now. The roots of the book being a traditional scifi without all the extra elements of other genres being thrown in. The ending of this novella comes to a quick wrap up, too quick for my taste. I wanted more.

So you may be asking why only 3 stars? Wording and an inconsistent pace of the story is why. The story itself? I look forward to reading the other books/novella's in this series. I recommend it to anyone who likes a good scifi with mutually strong characters and not a lot of romance thrown at you.