A review by readercecc6
Her Secondhand Groom by Rose Gordon


4.5 rounded up because I loved the heroine too much to give her anything less

Juliet is the eldest out of eight children. When she was twelve, her parents hedged their bets and borrowed money to send her to school. This wasn't done out of a respect for knowledge, it was because they thought it'd make her a more eligible wife for a nobleman, who they hoped she'd catch the eye of when she made her debut in London and save them all from abject poverty.

But Juliet never became a beauty (some would even argue that she wasn't even fit to be called homely, what with her two inch thick glasses and plain features) and since her father held neither a title nor a hefty bank balance, she never caught anyone's eye. But what Juliet lacked in looks, she made up for in personality and intelligence.

Lord Ramsey, Viscount Drakely lost his wife and mother of his three daughters in labor. He's in desperate need of a governess and a mother for his children.

After a series of misunderstandings, the two end up married.

Juliet was strong willed, opinionated, and definitely not the whimpering/swooning type. She stood up to Drakely and put him in his place each and every time he tried to intimidate her into acquiescing. I would've felt bad for him if it weren't so hilarious to see the mighty Viscount knocked down a peg or two.

Their romance was a delicious slow burn and I couldn't have asked for a better heroine or imperfect hero,